If you have been around the online business world for any length of time, you know that the 6 Figure launch is regularly lauded as the gold standard of success(In the online world at least). Our view on this is different from everyone else because we believe that we achieved not one but 2 6[…]
6-Fig Launch Part 2: The Pre-Launch – Episode 03
Everyone wants to create their product/course and then get straight to selling. Most people seem to miss a crucial step in between when the product has been created and selling the product. The steps we took during the pre-launch in our humble opinions is what set us up for success with both our launches. In[…]
6-Fig Launch Part 3: The Launch – Episode 04
This is where the money starts flowing and you are paid for the work you have done with the Pre-Launch and Creating the product. You have masterfully teased your prospects to the point that there is an unofficial competition for who will be the first official purchaser, The email is crafted and you have hit[…]