A conversion rate is what percentage of visitors to your website complete the desired action, such as make a purchase. Conversion rate optimization is when you focus on increasing that percentage. Typically, you do this through a variety of actions, such as a better design, more compelling copy, or a smoother checkout experience. If you[…]
How to Get Your First 100 Email Subscribers – Episode 81
So you want to email, but you don’t have anybody to talk to? Well, that’s kinda sad! But if you start working on your blog’s email list, you can start growing your audience today! An audience that relates with you and that you can also build great relationships with. On today’s episode, we will teach[…]
Email Marketing for Bloggers: Why Do It and What to Do – Episode 79
Email marketing is one of the best and innovative ways of building a relationship and gaining the trust of potential customers. Having said this, it’s considered an essential tool for your business and if you aren’t doing it yet, you’re probably missing out a lot! On today’s episode, join us as we explain why email[…]
How to Build an Email List From Scratch
If you want your business to succeed, then you’ll need customers, clients, and readers who are engaged in your business. And an email list is a great way to keep up regular communication with your customers. You can tell them about special offers, share news about your business, give them information about affiliate offers, or[…]
How to Start an Email List in 2018 – Episode 30
Some entrepreneurs and bloggers do not see the significance of building their email list straightaway until regret comes as they realize its impact on traffic and revenue. An email list is some sort of a lifeblood in your business operation and at the same time, it’s like a magic ticket that you can utilize to[…]
Launching a Course With Email Marketing – Episode 28
Sending email oftentimes is second nature to most of us. It plays a significant part of our everyday lives, may it be for personal or professional communication. Having said all these, it is known to everyone that email marketing has been a staple for many entrepreneurs especially during a product launch. Email marketing is one[…]