Welcome back to the Laptop Empires Podcast! This week, Bobby and Mike discuss their experiences with parenting while growing their online businesses – and how it’s completely worth the struggle and hardships. “I think the thing that people kind of maybe don’t think about as much is spending time with kids is super important cause[…]

How We Knew When To Quit Our 9-5 Jobs (Would We Let Our Kids Do the Same?) – Episode 168
Welcome back to the Laptop Empires show! In this episode, Mike and Bobby discuss what it was like quitting their jobs to go into an online business, what they would do if their kids wanted to be entrepreneurs, and the types of people that leave hate comments online. “How you react is like a big[…]

Creating a Hands-Free Business With the Kings – Episode 136
Earning money and taking care of your growing family are both vital tasks. However, meeting your family’s financial needs while being readily available for your children and/or spouse can be truly challenging if you have a 9-to-5 job. And these are the very reasons why many are dreaming to own a business. Joining Bobby and[…]

Building a Business as a Parent – Episode 95
Building your own business is a fantastic idea BUT managing a business while simultaneously raising kids is a different story! You’ll face unique challenges on how to balance your responsibilities as a business owner and as a parent. On our 95th podcast episode, our very own Mike Yanda– the co-founder of Laptop Empires and owner[…]

How to Raise Your Kids and Grow Your Business at the Same Time – Episode 9
Being a stay-at-home parent and running a side hustle is not as easy as it may seem, especially when your kids are still toddlers, but this is definitely not an excuse not to be successful at what you do. The rewards of having the peace of mind, always being there at every moment, and doing[…]