If you’ve contemplated selling an online course or are trying to find a hosting platform for a course you’ve created, you’ve probably figured out that there are plenty of options to choose from. Podia is one of these options. This platform is available for course creators, digital download sellers, and membership site owners. Even though[…]

Leadpages Review: Is it worth it in 2022?
Leadpages is one of the top landing page builders online. You can get help putting up beautiful, professional-looking landing pages and websites effortlessly for all your business needs. Plus they offer more than just landing pages. You can also build popups, alert bars, and even entire websites. You’ll learn what Leadpages has to offer, who[…]

8 Best Online Course Software for 2021
If you’re looking for the best online course software, then you might be facing some overwhelm with all the choices that exist online. There’s much to consider, from the cost of the software, features and services included, ease of use, and other factors. These 8 online course software programs offer everything you need to build[…]

How to Market Your Online Course
Once you’ve created your course you need to figure out how to market it. Email lists sell courses, so the goal of marketing is to get people onto your email list. There are several ways to do this from paid ads to organic marketing. Successful course marketing does happen and in this guide, you’re going[…]

How to Execute a Successful Online Course Launch
You’ve spent hours on it. You’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into it. It has officially become “your baby.” We are talking about your online course and it’s time for your course launch. It’s time to send your baby out into the world. You need everyone to know what you’ve created and how you’re[…]

7 steps to create an online course
Today, people are much more open to online education than in the past. According to this source, the online education industry is expected to reach $335 billion by 2025. Did you know that 80% of companies have used an e-learning platform? And, more and more organizations are shifting to online learning. For students it’s a[…]

Why ClickFunnels? – Episode 76
It’s no doubt that ClickFunnels is the most popular platform when it comes to building landing pages. A lot of online marketers promote it NOT only because of its awesome affiliate program, but simply because it is the best out there compared to others. On today’s episode, allow us to share the things we love[…]

Secret to Crafting a Killer Sales Page With Chris Orzechowski – Episode 22
The Sales Page is considered as the heart and soul that will drive your marketing and lead generation efforts more effective. It is one of the indispensable components of your overall marketing strategy aiming to turn visits into conversions. It therefore only makes sense that you do as much as you can to address your[…]